We’re husband and wife duo Aras and Kylie Krishnan.
Our purpose is to help you find yours. We work with individuals to help them reconnect with their purpose and essence, and in turn shift the energy in their lives - releasing old stagnant energy and generating new creative energy.
Our current world has been built on a foundation of people living out of alignment with their real purpose. This has created institutions, systems and ways of living that are unhealthy and at the point of collapse.
We see this moment in history as humanity’s opportunity to boldly reimagine the way we all want to live. We also see it as an opportunity to rewrite the rules of our own lives to support joy, growth and flourishing.
We hold a deep reverence for all wisdom - old and new. Our approach draws as much upon modern science as it does ancient spiritual philosophy.
We have both been on our own journeys to uncover our purpose. Aras travelled for 20 years through corporate marketing before retraining in neuroscience-based coaching. Kylie traversed the worlds of international human rights law and corporate social responsibility before becoming a meditation and mindfulness teacher.